Getting the Most Out of Your Membership & SADA 2017 Giveaway Winner

At MyDentalImplantRecords, we know that patient care is always at the top of your list of priorities. Whether you’re a clinician or an administrator, the experience and treatment they leave your practice with is at the forefront of your mind.

Just like your patients, MyDentalImplantRecords is full of surprises – but ours are all good ones! We know that efficient record-keeping for implant patients can be a challenge, so we’re here to make it easier. Here are a few tools we’ve built in to make your investment in MyDentalImplantRecords work for you:

The Import Wizard

Avoid the gridlock of switching from your existing digital records system with the Import Wizard. This step-by-step virtual assistant will walk you through the process of importing your existing patient list into MyDentalImplantRecords, so you can hit the ground running! Visit our support site for more information!

Patient Consent Form

We know your patients’ peace of mind means yours, too. By having your patient read and sign the comprehensive consent form provided by My Dental Implant Records, you can be sure that they understand how their information is stored and shared. You can access the form right from your patient list.


SADA 2017 Giveaway Winner

At the South African Dental Association Congress in August, visitors to the MyDentalImplantRecords booth entered to win a dental handpiece. We were pleased to deliver the prize to our winner at the practice of Dr. R. Nel!



Posted on

October 14, 2017